Panel Doors for Your Home Interiors

While for safety purposes, the exterior doors chosen are generally flush doors, the interior doors of the house are meant to tell a different story.

Doors are the most ignored element when it comes to designing and planning interiors, we underestimate the importance of beautiful doors and how they can enhance our interiors to go from good to gold. 

But which type of doors are best for the interiors?

Panels doors is the answer you’re looking for,  as compared to the raw flush doors, the panel doors are ready to use with beautiful skins that a brand like CenturyPly offers to their customer as per their likes and dislikes. Panel doors from CenturyDoors are made with utmost precision and in line with the latest technology. So what goes behind the making of panel doors at CenturyDoors?

Making of panel moulded doors by CenturyPly:


The different shapes of panels are processed with the following techniques:

1. The frames, rails and styles are chemically treated to make it termite and borer proof. These three are not done by any local plywood players. Each and every component of the door is chemically treated with CenturyPly.

2. The door skins that are used for the panel doors are made of high-density fibre that makes it stronger apart from giving them an aesthetic appeal. 

3. These panel doors from the house of CenturyDoors are not only ready to use but also are eco-friendly in nature. These are comparatively affordable and hassle-free because, with these, all you have to do is put it in place with no hunting of laminates or veneers involved for the face of the door.

4. Panel moulded CenturyDoors are slam proof, bend-proof and also swell proof, giving them the strength and durability that our brand promises to each of its valuable customers.

In addition to all of these techniques that go behind the making of panel doors to make them durable, CenturyDoors also offer a wide variety of designs and patterns to suit all kinds of interiors. 

Types of panel doors:  

The broad classification of panel moulded doors from CenturyDoors is:

1. Premium: Premium doors from CenturyDoors are the best doors to enhance your interiors There are plenty of panel moulded door options that you can look at with CenturyDoors, which include:

Melamine Door Skin -  Ready-to-use panel moulded doors that are available in 2 panel, 3 panel oval and 4 panel options and 3 different shades of wood i.e, Teak, Sapeli and Straight Grain Wenge.

Metallic Door Skin - Ready-to-use doors that are the perfect amalgamation of luxury and superior practicality, along with chemically infused glue lining these doors are also termite and borer resistant.

Plain Door Skin - Ready-to-use doors with great aesthetic appeal. These interior doors are borer & termite resistant making it a practical choice for your home.

2. Affordable: The Doors under this category not only provide great aesthetic appeal to your home but are also pocket friendly, the current option under affordable panel doors is, 

White Primered Skin - These are simple yet stylish doors, are ready-to-use and are also borer and termite resistant.


It’s very important to give your interior doors the attention that they’ve been asking for and panel moulded doors from CenturyDoors are the best choice for all your needs. 

You can learn more about various panel doors by CenturyDoors at:

You can also contact us and seek further options in the panel doors category as per your requirements. 

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