Renovation turns your old place into a modern-style space. Best interior designs require investment in quality material that provides lavish looks, safety, and security. Regarding the kitchen and living rooms, everyone wants to invest in materials that bring quality with safety from fire hazards, termite attacks and water damage.
Concerned about the safety of your belongings? CenturyPly fulfils your requirement for safety material by incorporating firewall technology. You must be wondering how a firewall adds quality and safety to your place. As the name suggests, CenturyPly firewall technology is created after extensive research and investment in extensive technology. CenturyPly firewalls can be used for interior and exterior design and also for renovating a home. It is non-leachable plywood which is fire-resisting and delays the spread of flame, providing safety and security at your place.
The kitchen, living rooms, bedrooms and others require well-designed door panels, cupboards, almirahs, and much more made up of plywood. Plywoods are prone to catch fire easily. Even after taking several precautions, you are never sure about a slight negligence that could lead to fire hazards. It may occur due to electronic sparks, short circuits and so on. To avoid these, investing in quality materials that resist such accidents and provide safety is important. CenturyPly provides the same. CenturyPly firewall-engineered plywood comes with innovative nanoparticles that are specialised in fire resistance. CenturyPly firewall technology presents the following benefits for the protection of your households and yourselves:
Worried about your mother, wife and children, working and playing in the kitchen or living room? Even if you are not at home and certain mishaps like a fire occur due to an error in electronic devices like a refrigerator, oven or maybe gas leakage, we ensure that your family will not get hurt because firewall technology embedded in furniture resists fire. The CenturyPly provides plywood and laminates built with firewall technology that lessens the chances of fire penetration through your doors, cupboards, desks and your other belongings.
Sometimes, even after so many precautionary setups, certain incidents pose chances of fire. In such cases, CenturyPly firewall technology embedded with polymer matrix in the plywood makes your doors and windows fire resistant. It delays the penetration of fire in the material, which allows you enough time to
How does CenturyPly firewall technology delay the penetration of fire? Unlike other plywood, the technology made for you is built by in-depth research involving a special polymer matrix that does not work as fuel or medium of the fire. In case materials catch fire, the technology within the plywood does not act as fuel like other plywood. Instead, it resists fire that may stop its further spread. It will provide enough time to vacate your place without getting hurt. Also, ensures less damage to your beloved place and belongings.
CenturyPly ensures that plywood-embedded firewall technology produces less smoke. It results in a less suffocating environment with a low amount of toxic gases. Thus, it provides individuals, especially older people and children, a protective environment that aids in avoiding asphyxiation. Furthermore, there will be less chance of getting ill due to toxic gases released in fire due to firewall technology that ensures no toxic chemicals are produced on catching fire.
Individuals should purchase high-quality plywood for their safety and security, which also offers durability of the product. Such quality is offered by firewall technology that provides integrity of panels against fire. Buyers can trust and rely on CenturyPly firewall technology on the basis of numerous quality features and customer satisfaction reviews. CenturyPly provides a variety of plywood of distinct designs and colours without compromising your safety. Firewall technology is like additional excellence to the supreme quality of your choice. Choose wisely for your family’s happy and safe future.
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